Technical Information

Increased Projection

In all dependence on a good riser wall the G-Tech coper now has relevant calculations to prove and extended overhang. For standard 930mm x 1160mm coping stones, on a normal riser wall the maximum projection is 150mm – this suits normal pedestrian loading and vehicle trolley design loading.

The actual maximum coping stone projection that can be achieved is subject to a number of factors including:

  • Design loading (platform load class)
  • Riser wall/support structure (including accounting for risk of spalling).

Whilst standard maximum projections are designed for, and quoted on our drawings, it may in practice be possible to consider increased projections on a case by case basis. For example working with a client for one of their designs we have recently looked at, and advised on the workability of, a 225mm projection for the 1220mm x 1165mm coping stone units for normal pedestrian loading. This projection could potentially be increased to 250mm if suitable non spalling continuous ‘riser wall’ type support is provided.

G-Tech continually strives to achieve improved product specifications to allow for further flexibility for the client.

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